Cookies Policy

WP2date is the trading name of Hostomic Ltd. – Registered in England and Wales, Company No. 10045904

This cookie policy applies to our website, and any subdomains of this website. The information on this page also applies to other related online platforms operated by or on behalf of HOSTOMIC Ltd.

By using this site or other Hostomic Ltd. sites, you consent to our use of cookies by this Cookie Policy.

If you do not agree with our way of using cookies, you should set your browser settings accordingly. Disabling the cookies we use may affect your experience as a user of this website and other Hostomic Ltd websites.

Please read this policy together with our Privacy Policy carefully.

Our website uses cookies to offer its visitors the best navigation experience while learning essential information about our company and services to establish long-term business collaborations. We are doing our best efforts to provide you with accurate and updated information regarding cookies’ placement, usage and administration.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small dimensioned files, formed by letters and numbers, that will be stocked on the computer, mobile or any other devices of the user that are connected to the internet.

Cookies are installed through a demand sent to a web server, or browser (ex.: Internet Explorer, Chrome and others).

Cookies are completely “passive” (they do not contain software programs, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information from the user’s hard drive).

A cookie has two parts: the name and the content or value of the cookie. The lifetime of a cookie is determined; from the technical point of view, only the web server that sent the cookie will have access to the information again when the user returns to the website associated with the specific web server.

Cookies themselves do not demand information with personal character to be used and, in most cases, they do not personally identify the internet users.

There are two main categories of cookies:

Session cookies are temporarily stocked in the browser’s cookies folder for it to memorize them until the user closes the website or the browser’s window.

Persistent cookies are stocked on a computer’s or device’s hard drive and are activated again when you visit the website that created the specific cookie. Persistent cookies include other cookies placed by other websites than the one the user visits at that specific moment. These are also known as “third-party cookies”. They memorize the user’s interests to deliver relevant advertising.

What is the lifetime of a cookie?

The lifetime of a cookie may considerably vary, depending on the purpose for which the cookie was placed. Some cookies are meant for only one use (session cookies), therefore they are not maintained after the user leaves the browser. Other cookies are maintained and reused each time the user returns to the website (persistent cookies). However, cookies can be deleted by the user at any time, using the browser’s settings.

What are third-party cookies?

Some content sections of some websites can be supplied through cookies of a third party’s cookies, as it is for advertising. This way, cookies can be placed on the website and are called third-party cookies because they are not placed by the owner of the website. This kind of third party is bound to honour the legal regulations applied and the privacy politics of the website’s owner.

Why are cookies important for the internet?

Cookies are the central point of the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly navigation experience and adapting to the user’s interests and preferences. Refusing or disabling the cookies can make some websites unusable. Refusing or disabling cookies doesn’t mean you won’t receive online advertising – it means the advertising will no longer respect your interests and preferences, as shown by your navigation behaviour. Examples of important improvements made by cookies (without needing authentication of a user through an account):

  • Content and services adapted to the user’s preferences – products and services categories;
  • Offers adapted to the user’s interests – remembering passwords;
  • Remembering the child protection filters regarding the content on the Internet (family mode options, safe search functions);
  • Limiting the advertising’s frequency – limiting the number of displays of a commercial for a certain user on a website;
  • Providing relevant advertising for the user;
  • Measuring, optimizing and Analytics characteristics – like confirming a certain level of traffic on a website, what kind of content is visualized and the way the user lands on a website (for example search engines, directly, from other websites etc.).

What types of cookies are we using on our website?

By accessing this website, we can place the following cookies:

  • Performance cookies: these cookies memorize the user’s preferences on this site;
  • Analytical cookies: these tell us if you visited this site before; the browser tells us if you have this cookie; if not, we will generate one;
  • Geo-targeting cookies: these are used by software that establishes your country, are completely anonymous and are used only for targeting the content;
  • 3rd party cookies, such as those from Google Analytics and sharing on social media. We use Google Analytics to measure the level of traffic, what kind of content is visualized and the way the user lands on our website (for example search engines, directly, from other websites etc.). The social sharing features are made available for visitors who want to share part of our content on social networks, such as Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Do cookies contain personal information?

Cookies themselves do not demand information with personal character to be used and, in most cases, they do not personally identify the internet users. Personal information can be collected by using cookies only to enable some functionalities for the user.

How can you change the cookie settings from your browser?

Deleting cookies

Applications used for accessing web pages allow saving the cookies by default. These settings can be changed such as to automatically block the administration of cookies on the browser or the user to be informed whenever cookies are sent to the terminal. Detailed information about features and administration of cookies can be found in the browser’s settings area. Limiting the use of cookies can affect some functionalities of the web page.

Most browsers offer the possibility to change the settings. These settings are usually situated in “Options” or in the “Preferences” browser’s menu.

For cookies generated by third parties, you can visit this site: